porous absorber câu
Graphene could be perfect absorber of lightGraphene có thể là chất hấp thụ ánh sáng hoàn hảo Introduction of rubber shock absorber for...

Adsorption by powders and porous solids.Chi tiết về tài liệu | Adsorption by powders and porous solids Adsorption by powders and porous...

energy absorber
Technically, a leaf is usually thin, flat and very vital organ of a plant which serves as an energy absorber that is used for survival....

heat absorber
In the atmospheres of hot planets like WASP-19b, it acts as a heat absorber.Trong bầu khí quyển của các hành tinh nóng như WASP-19b, ti...

moisture absorber
Calcium chloride is also used in products such as DampRid and Dri-Z-Airwhich is advertised as an air moisture absorber.Clorua canxi cũn...

neutron absorber
Because it is a stable neutron absorber, samarium is used to control rods of nuclear reactors, contributing to their safe use.Bởi vì nó...

porous concrete
The porous concrete concept has been discussed around for almost 60 years and is often used under asphalt to help aid drainage.Khái niệ...

porous insulation
Although this material has a low insulating R value, metal roofing sheets can be applied on rigid porous insulation with a very high R ...

porous limestone
Composed of porous limestone, the stone appears to weep as the water after a rain seeps through it.Gồm đá vôi xốp, đá dường như khóc nh...

porous membrane
The most healthy and motile sperm swim through the porous membrane leaving behind less functional and dead sperm in the bottom chamber....

porous rock
Ground water is located in porous rock beneath the earth's surface.Dầu mỏ tồn tại trong lớp đất đá tại vỏ Trái Đất. ground water - Sno...

porous soil
They flourish in rich, deep and somewhat porous soil.Chúng phát triển mạnh ở vùng đất giàu có, sâu và có phần xốp. They thrive in weal...

porous stone
Since it is a porous stone, it requires a lot of care and upkeep.Vì nó là một loại đá xốp, nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều sự quan tâm và bảo trì....

shock absorber
Introduction of rubber shock absorber for automobile[Mar 13, 2018]Giới thiệu về cao su shock absorber cho ô tô[Mar 13, 2018] Introducti...

solar absorber
The solar absorber is a five-period Ti/MgF2 superlattice, in which the structure and thickness of each layer was designed for optimal a...

sound absorber
Insulation is likewise an excellent sound absorber and can assist in lowering noise transmission through walls, ceilings and floors mak...